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Indiana United Methodist Church

Historical information about the United Methodist Church. Indiana United Methodist Church records transfer instructions. Indiana Methodist Historical Society information.

Reference Books

Circuit Rider Days in Indiana
Includes a history of circuit riders in Indiana by DePauw history professor, William Warren Sweet. This text was published in 1916 and includes a list of Indiana circuit riders up to 1816 and maps depicting the progression of Indiana circuits. Beyond 1816, appointment names are drawn from annual conference minutes and listed by district. 

DePauw A Pictorial History
An e-book edition of the 1987 history of DePauw. It includes all the same text and photographs as the original, but in a new full-text searchable version.

Bicentennial of Indiana United Methodism, 1801-2001
Historical sketches on various topics relating to the history of the United Methodist Church in Indiana.

United Methodism in Indiana
History of the United Methodist Church in Indiana written for the Indiana United Methodist Historical Society in 1996.

A Brief Sketch of the Life and Itinerant Labours of Calvin W. Ruter
An edited typescript and digital facsimile of the original two-volume manuscript written by the pioneer Indiana Methodist minister, Calvin W. Ruter. Includes a name index.

Indiana Conference Journals are available to peruse in the Archives and Special Collections reading room. 

Reference Websites

General Commission on Archives and History
The General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH) serves the United Methodist Church ministry of memory. Their website provides additional tools to help conduct research about the United Methodist Church. 

United Methodist Church in Indiana
The United Methodist Church in Indiana website includes additional resources such as communication from the Bishop, General Conference and Annual Conference information, appointments, charges and etc.  

United Methodist Church in Indiana, Commission on Archives and History
The Commission on Archives and History preserves the records and promotes the stories of existing antecedent Conferences, denominations and local congregations of the United Methodist Church in Indiana. Their website includes information on the DePauw University and Indiana United Methodist Church Archives, the Indiana United Methodist Historical Society and additional resources to aid in research.

Indiana United Methodist Historical Society
The Indiana United Methodist Historical Society is a non-profit organization established to preserve the history of Indiana's United Methodists.