Mr. Guy Morrison Walker, lawyer and reorganization expert (A.B., 1890; A.M. 1893; LL. B., 1891 - DePauw), made provision for the Walker Cup to be presented annually to the member of the Senior Class who shall be determined to have done the most for DePauw during his or her college course. Selection shall be made in the following manner:
Each member of the Senior Class shall vote for that member of the class (man or woman) whom he or she deems most worthy of receiving the cup and shall also indicate a second choice, giving in each case his or her reasons for so choosing.
From the three receiving the largest number of votes in this nominating election, a committee composed of the President and those members of the faculty who are heads of departments shall select the one to whom the cup shall be awarded. However, if in the opinion of the faculty committee no one of the three so nominated is worthy of receiving the cup, then they shall withhold the awarding of the cup for that year.
The Walker Cup winner is announced at the annual academic awards ceremony.
Yearly winners are also asked to speak at commencement.
Walker also gave funds towards an endowment which funds the Walker Horizon Lecture.
Read more about Guy Morrison Walker:
"Historical Perspective: Take a Historic Look at Guy Morrison Walker" by Mike McCormick, January 24, 2009, Terre Haute Tribune-Star.
"We invite you to join us for a historic gathering of Walker Cup recipients during DePauw University’s May 19-20, 2012 Commencement Weekend. This first-ever event uniting and honoring Walker Cup winners from across the decades is among the high points of DePauw’s 175th anniversary celebration."
Lindsey Ciochina '05 and Robert Schrier '57
Walker Cup Celebration Co-Chairs
View the Photo Album from the May 2012 Celebration here.
From The DePauw, Monday October 18, 1926, page 1; "Walker Gift To Provide Annual Cup for Senior":
"In a letter accompanying his gift, Mr. Walker said: 'The best traditions are preserved in making this award a cup rather than a cash prize, and I hope that in time it will come to be regarded as the greatest honor of the college course to be the recipient upon graduation of the Walker Cup.
If the students themselves will conscientiously exercise the responsibility put upon them of selecting that fellow student who through his or her college course has by good scholarship, good conduct and conscientious effort in college life and intercollegiate activities lived up to the best of DePauw traditions, and done the most to advance the fame and interest of Old DePauw, there will be no doubt about the character of the honor that will go with the awarding of the cup.' "
1927 - Richard Stutridge
1928 - Lloyd Messersmith
1929 - Willard Arnold
1930 - Robert Kimberlin
1931 - Dale Stackhouse
1932 - Rex Moffett
1933 - Don Wheaton
1934 - Franklin Tooke
1935 - Robert Fribley
1936 - Paul Turner
1937 - Kermit Arnold
1938 - Jack Oswald
1939 - Edwin Lindsay
1940 - Bill Welch
1941 - Rosa Neil Reynolds
1942 - Janice Wills
1943 - Charles Sheridan*
1944 - Shirley Madsen
1945 - Agnes Turn
1946 - Norman Knights
1947 - Fiske Field
1948 - Charles Roberts
1949 - Charles Allen West
1950 - Kermit Morrison
1951 - Eunice Aileen Blanchard*
1952 - Lee Hamilton
1953 - Phil Steinberg*
1954 - Clark Wagner
1955 - Tom Sargent*
1956 - Margaret "Peg" Taylor
1957 - Robert L. Schrier*
1958 - David Cryer
1959 - Allan Walker*
1960 - Charles F. Hermann
1961 - James Gladden*
1962 - Walter Lowe
1963 - Mike Thomas
1964 - Robert G. McDonald
1965 - John Colfelter
1966 - Richard Roessler
1967 - Martin F. Farrell*
1968 - David Jensen
1969 - Jim Nyenhius
1970 - not awarded
1971 - not awarded
1972 - not awarded
1973 - not awarded
1974 - not awarded
1975 - not awarded
1976 - not awarded
1977 - not awarded
1978 - Jane Brazes*
1979 - Kyle Lanham*
1980 - Dan Hasler*
1981 - Shea Nickell*
1982 - Kevin Armstrong*
1983 - G. Richard Locke
1984 - Kathryn Senseman*
1985 - Kathy A. Patterson
1986 - Anthony J. de Nicola
1987 - Lisa Yen
1988 - Nancy J. Gritter*
1989 - Douglas Driemeier
1990 - Holly Baker*
1991 - Michelle Lynn Carnahan
1992 - Mindy Carol Montgomery
1993 - James Anthony Rechtin
1994 - Ellen Jane Morrison
1995 - Chad Christopher Mayer
1996 - Eric Robert Hauck
1997 - Jason Patrick Kreag
1998 - Kevin Matthew Toler*
1999 - Ryan James Danks
2000 - P. Jacob Gross
2001 - Ashley Brooke Krieg*
2002 - Rebecca J. Hedge*
2003 - Nathan Hand*
2004 - Patricia J. Cooksey
2005 - Lindsey R. Ciochina*
2006 - Matt Ehinger*
2007 - Elizabeth "Bess" W. Evans
2008 - John L. Schomburg*
2009 - Matt Jennings*
2010 - Nicole Craker*
2011 - Christine Walker*
2012 - Nic Flores*
2013 - Mark Fadel
2014 - Sandy Tran
2015 - Ashton Johnson
2016 - Craig Carter
2017 - Sara Fears
2018 - Peter Gorman
2019 - Liam Byrnes
2020 - Brittany Davis
2021 - Emma Bailey
2022 - Christina Bourantas
2023 - JD O'Keane
2024 - Aaron Trinidad
*Attended the 2012 Walker Cup Celebration.