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GEOS 230: Environmental Geology: Writing and Speaking Help (The W and S Centers)

Getting help outside the libraries

Visit the Academic Resource Center website.

What is the Academic Resource Center? Its help with Writing (W), Quantitative Reasoning (Q), and Speaking and Listening (S). 

The ARC is a place (this semester its a virtual place!) where you can get help with writing assignments, practice your public speaking skills and also get help with problem-based courses like math, chemistry, and economics. 

As you work on class assignments, big and small, you are invited to meet virtually with W, Q, and S consultants, who are ready to provide practical suggestions, feedback, and encouragement.  You may meet with a consultant for advice about all sorts of assignments:

  • essays
  • problem sets
  • oral presentations
  • research projects
  • homework
  • academic skills in general

To sign up for an online appointment with a tutor, visit 

For more information about how to sign up for and join an online appointment, click here.