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GEOS 230: Environmental Geology: Finding Research Articles

What is a primary research article?

Here are some common characteristics of primary research articles:

  • Author(s) present data and findings from original research after conducting an original experiment.
  • A primary research article typically contains the following sections: Methods/Materials, Results, Discussion.
  • Look for information on SI (Supplemental Information).  This may include additional data and/or research information.  Be sure to track down and read the SI for a complete understanding of the research being presented in the article.

Searching for articles...start with these database:

What is a review article?

Here are some common characteristics of review articles:

  • Author(s) analyze and summarize existing research.
  • There is often a focus on a broad topic, examining articles that are relevant, useful.
  • Review articles do not have sections such as Methods/Materials, Results. 
  • Author(s) may conclude a review article with a section outlining areas for future study of the topic.

Search Tips

Limits/Filters: Common limiters/filters are language, publication dates, article type, publication type, age groups.

Truncation symbol, [an asterisk (*), dollar sign ($), or plus sign (+), etc.], with the root/stem of a word broadens your search to include various wording endings:

child*=child or children or childhood

Wildcard symbol may also be used to replace a single character to include different spellings:

wom?n for women or woman

(Databases use different symbols so check the searching help.)

Phrase searching:  Enclose phrases in double quotation marks to search for that specific phrase (in the order that you typed them): e.g., "heart attack" "health care reform"

Primary Science Papers Vs. Review Papers