Keeping up with the scholarly literature in your field is still the main way faculty/researchers stay on top of things. But what are the ways to make that a part of your routine? How do you remember to check them regularly? How do you save things to read later? What if your interests cross a number of disciplines? This guide will focus on a few strategies that can help:
The DePauw Libraries subscribes to a suite of tools from the Third Iron platform we recommend:
Now you have a number of downloaded PDFs of articles or book chapters on your preferred subject area. The Libraries recommends trying kOS (pronounced 'chaos') from Helper Systems. This app makes PDFs easier and more fun to describe and organize on your computer.
Text Analyzer (Beta) is a new way to search JSTOR: upload your own text or document, Text Analyzer processes the text to find the most significant topics and then recommends similar content on JSTOR
Keeping your own research and published works organized is also a consideration for faculty. The Libraries recommends and claiming your ORCID ID and populating your author page with your scholarship.