Much of this page's content is drawn from the Film Analysis guide by folks at Yale University, specifically Mariano Prunes, Michael Raine, and Mary Litch. Thank you for your work.
Comprises a list of terms utilized in film analysis: auteur, diegesis, editing, flashback / flashforward, focus, genres, mise en scene, story/plot, scene sequence, shot
Discusses the concept of mise-en-scene: "The representation of space affects the reading of a film. Depth, proximity, size and proportions of the places and objects in a film can be manipulated through camera placement and lenses, lighting, decor, effectively determining mood or relationships between elements in the diegetic world."
Decor, Lighting, Space, Costume, Acting
Quality, Framing, Scale, Movement
Devices (transitions; matches; duration), Styles
Sound Editing, Source, Quality
Combining parts 1-5, this section demonstrates examples of film analysis using Rocco and His Brothers (Rocco e i suoi fratelli, Luchino Visconti, Italy, 1960) and Il Grido (Michelangelo Antononi, Italy, 1957).