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This is a Japanese language learning book for people who want to learn Japanese language and culture in an informal setting. This book introduces basic grammar, vocabulary, and fun conversations in cultural contexts.
This edited collection explores the deeper contexts and consequences surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard. This young gay man was brutally beaten and left tied to a fence on a chill Wyoming night in October 1998. Found the next morning by two cyclists, he was transported to a hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado where he died five days later. His murder was one of the most publicized and for some, most vividly remembered, instances of hate crime related violence based on sexual orientation.
Twenty years after his death, Matthew Shepard’s story is at a critical turning point: memories of his murder and its meanings can either fade into the past or be reinvigorated to make up part of more meaningful investigations into LGBTQ and modern U.S. history. The multidisciplinary contributors to this book blend personal narrative with more conventional academic approaches to offer a 20-year retrospective that re-examines the subject of Shepard’s murder, whilst also bringing to light questions of historical memory, rurality, race, and public policy. Each of the disciplines and genres included contributes unique understandings of the murder and responses to it that cannot be articulated solely through traditional academic writing. This collection then not only tells the story of Matthew Shepard in the context of 2018, but also provides a compelling view of how and through which means American culture communicates painful histories of violence, bias, and death.
The aim of this volume is to share a collection of best practices currently employed by faculty and administrators to support and expand undergraduate research in chemistry at their colleges or universities. This symposium helps fill the gap between generalized or holistic assessments and individual classroom/laboratory innovations, which can serve as models for adoption. The book is divided into four parts: Early Career Experiences, Upper Division Opportunities, Program and Curricular Reform, and Mentoring and Assessment. Overall, this volume provides a snapshot of curricular and programmatic best practices in engaging a broad spectrum of students in undergraduate research.
Otto Dix fought in the First World War for the better part of four years before becoming one of the most important artists of the Weimar era. Marked by the experience, he made monumental, difficult and powerful works about it. Whereas Dix has often been presented as a lone voice of reason and opposition in Germany between the wars, this book locates his work squarely in the mainstream of Weimar society.
Informed by recent studies of collective remembrance, of camaraderie, and of the popular, working-class socialist groups that commemorated the war, this book takes Dix’s very public, monumental works out of the isolation of the artist’s studio and returns them to a context of public memorials, mass media depictions, and the communal search for meaning in the war. The author argues that Dix sought to establish a community of veterans through depictions of the war experience that used the soldier’s humorous, grotesque language of the trenches and that deliberately excluded women and other non-combatants. His depictions were preoccupied with heteronormativity in the context of intimate touch and tenderness between soldiers at the front and with sexual potency in the face of debilitating wounds suffered by others in the war.
Learning with Lenin brings together, for the first time, Lenin’s classic texts and his speeches and writings on education. To facilitate educators and activists’ engagement with these works, a study and discussion guide accompanies each text. Learning with Lenin contributes to the rematerialization of a revolutionary movement in the U.S. by focusing on the pedagogy of Lenin. After a series of setbacks and attacks that seriously degraded its status in both working-class struggles and educational theory, socialism is once again on the rise. Like the generations before them, organizers, activists, and educators are once again turning to classic works of socialism to understand and respond to the systematic depravities of imperialism, white supremacy, and settler-colonialism. Learning with Lenin will assist anyone interested in reading and applying Lenin’s theories to our current era, with all of its complexities and contradictions.
A new critical edition of HG Wells's The Invisible Man, with critical introduction, footnotes, and appendices that situate the novel in its late-Victorian contexts. This edition is suitable for college-level courses (undergraduate and graduate level) as well as for scholars working on Wells, science fiction, and nineteenth-century literature in general. Published September 20, 2018.
Those who are in shock that truth doesn't seem to matter in politics miss the mark: politics has never corresponded with the truth. Rather, political struggle is about the formulation and materialization of new truths. The “post-truth” era thus offers an important opportunity to push forward into a different world. Embracing this opportunity, Derek R. Ford articulates a new educational philosophy and praxis that emerges from within the nexus of social theory and political struggle. Blocking together aesthetics, queer theory, urbanism, postmodern philosophy, and radical politics, Ford develops arguments and proposals on key topics ranging from debt and time, to the death drive and forms of political organization. Through forceful yet accessible prose, Ford offers contemporary left politics an imaginative and potent set of educational concepts and practices.
Puga, Alejandro; Petersen, Amanda Lee; Tovar, Carmen Patricia (eds.). María Luisa Puga y el espacio de la reconstrucción/ María Luisa Puga and the space of reconstruction. México, CDMX: Universidad Nacional Metropolitana, 2018.
What do millennial rappers in the United States say in their music? This timely and compelling book answers this question by decoding the lyrics of over 700 songs from contemporary rap artists. Using innovative research techniques, Matthew Oware reveals how emcees perpetuate and challenge gendered and racialized constructions of masculinity, femininity, and sexuality. Male and female artists litter their rhymes with misogynistic and violent imagery. However, men also express a full range of emotions, from arrogance to vulnerability, conveying a more complex manhood than previously acknowledged. Women emphatically state their desires while embracing a more feminist approach. Even LGBTQ artists stake their claim and express their sexuality without fear. Finally, in the age of Black Lives Matter and the presidency of Donald J. Trump, emcees forcefully politicize their music. Although complicated and contradictory in many ways, rap remains a powerful medium for social commentary.
From the author: My bi-lingual anthology of traditional Bosnian love songs, The Scent of Quinces: Selected Traditional Love Songs from Bosnia-Herzegovina/Miris Dunja, odabrane sevdalinke iz Bosne i Hercegovine, was published jointly by the Institute for the Bosnian Language and the State Museum of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 2018. This anthology of the original Bosnian and my translations into English is the first time that this national literature of that country has been translated into English, and is the result of fourteen years of research, translation, photography, and more.
Nahyan Fancy & Justin Stearns (NYU Abu Dhabi): USD 30,000 Grant to host workshop on "Current Trends in the History of Science in Muslim Societies: Debates, Approaches and Stakes," from New York University-Abu Dhabi Institute. Workshop will be held in academic year 2019-2020. Award received December, 2018.