
GEOS 197: Humanity's Geologic Legacy: Home


Feel free to email me if you have any questions or want to meet for a research consultation.       Caroline Gilson / cgilson@depauw.edu


Dating the Anthropocene in deep-sea sediments  (2019)


Research Tips from Caroline

Research Tips from Caroline G.

1. Paper and pencil.  Write things down.  Look for common keywords, authors, phrases.  Use these to search for articles in library subscription databases.

2. Read.  Email citations to yourself; these will have links back to the database and the possible link to FT.  You may need to read over ten articles to find three good ones.

3. Interlibrary Loan:  this is an option for articles and books we don't own or have access to through a subscription.

4. Set up DePauw access to your instance of Google Scholar.  Watch the recording on the LibGuide.

5. Consider using EndNote Basic or Zotero to organize your citations.  See the companion LibGuides for each of these tools to explore and create an account. 

6. Email Caroline to set up a research consultation.  Don’t struggle – ask for help.  (Also available: stop by TheDesk at the ROW Library to see a Library Research Consultant).

TED Talk: Naomi Oreskes: Why we should trust scientists

PPT on sources: Primary Data papers, Review Articles, Popular sources