From the syllabus, in Professor Good's words: "Encyclopedias are useful aids as a FIRST STOP, to help you find your way into a topic you know little or nothing about, but are not useful as primary or secondary sources which will spur on your own research. One encyclopedia can “count” for the annotated bib, if needed, but it will carry light credibility as a reference in the final research paper."
Due to the current remote access limitations, you'll want to restrict your book searches to e-books. Use the search box below to search WorldCat Discovery. Then, look at the ways to limit below the search box.
To only see "e-books," you can use the limits on the left side of the page. Under the "Format" category, scroll down - you'll likely have to click on a "Show More" option.
Then, you should see the "e-book" box to check.
Likely, you will see books that DePauw has access to near the top of the list, with an option to view full-text. If you see one that looks really helpful, and it's not owned by DePauw, please email me at, and let me see if there's any chance we can get access to it.
You'll want to use library databases to find reliable material for at least some of your resources. When it doubt if a source is a "good" one, know that if you use "scholarly/academic/peer-review" limit options in the databases, you're almost certain to get sources that will carry more weight, in that they've been written by and reviewed by experts in their fields, and are generally making a new claim/argument, or reporting new research studies.
NOTE: We will still try to fill interlibrary loan (ILL) requests for electronic copies of articles. If you don't see full-text for an article, use the "FindIt" button to see if it's in another database, and if it doesn't find it, it will give you an ILL option. Please email with any questions about how this works!
Spanish-language databases: If you're fluent in Spanish, there are a few other resources that might be worth trying.
Check out our citation guide for any questions you may have.