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Open Access for Scholarly Publishing

DePauw University's faculty passed an Open Access Policy in 2014 (the first college in Indiana to do so) and this guide is meant to point faculty towards resources to guide them in publishing open access and making their work available to a wider audience

Free Open Access Publishing for DePauw Authors

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has published over 50 journals, including 5 Gold Open Access(as of Dec 2023) across computer science and related fields. The OA agreement between DePauw and ACM covers the contents of the ACM Digital Library (DL), including ACM periodicals and proceedings, books are excluded. The complete list can be downloaded on the ACM Full-Text Collection webpage.

To publish OA in ACM, the corresponding author must be affiliated with the DePauw to enjoy the APC waiver.


Manuscript Submission

1. Follow the article submission workflow as usual. It is suggested that you use your DePauw affiliation, address, and email for your account registration and manuscript submission.

Manuscript Acceptance

2. The corresponding author will receive an email with a link to complete a License to Publish. Click on the link to access the eRights form.

3. You will see “This paper is part of the ACM Open Program” at the top of the webpage. Confirm all information on the edit screen and click on the check box and [Proceed to eRights Form].

4. Select [Institutionally Paid Open Access] and choose a Creative Commons License (default is CC-BY 4.0), then click on [Proceed].


5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the form and click on [Submit]. You will receive an email confirmation of the acceptance of the forms along with a copy for your records.

For the Publication Rights & Licensing Policy, visit the ACM Publication Policy.

Springer Nature Open Access License Guide
  • What is a Creative Commons License?
    • Creative Commons (CC) provides free and easy-to-use copyright licenses giving the public the right
      to share, use, and even build upon an author’s creative work. The non-profit organization CC also
      protects the people who use an author’s work, so they don’t have to worry about copyright
      infringement as long as they abide by the specified conditions. Licensing OA articles under a Creative
      Commons license has evolved as the standard for Open Access publishing.
  • The CC BY NC Attribution
    • Under this license, you are free to copy and redistribute the material in any format and also adapt,
      remix and build upon the work, provided you give appropriate credit to the original source, provide a
      link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You may not use the material for commercial
  • Open Access licensing in Springer Nature journals
    • Our preferred license is the CC BY license, and all Springer Nature-owned journals with open access options offer the CC BY license. The CC BY license is considered the industry 'gold standard' for open access and also preferred by many funders. A very small number of journals, including those published under the Adis imprint, continue to use the Creative Commons Attribution Non- Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) as their default license.

    • For more information on OA licensing, please visit our Journal policies page.

  • How Springer Nature helps authors ensure compliance to funder requirements
    • Authors are advised to check their funder's open access requirements, to ensure compliance. Many
      institutions and research funders worldwide have introduced policies requiring researchers to
      ensure that their publications are openly accessible. Our FAQ page provides guidance on how
      authors can meet OA policy requirements of their funders and institutions when publishing their
  • How Springer Nature informs authors about OA licenses
    • After publication, the author will receive an email, containing information about the respective OA license.

DePauw Faculty Publishing

Open Access Publishing at DePauw

Publishing output by DePauw faculty 2018-2022 in the categories of closed (behind a paywall) and open access journals.

Top Published Journals

Top journals published in by DePauw faculty 2018-2022

Top Used Publishers

The top publishers used by DePauw faculty 2018-2022.

Top Funders of DePauw Research

The top funding agencies of DePauw faculty research 2018-2022.

Top Areas of Research

The top areas of research published by DePauw faculty 2018-2022