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BLOG: Current Happenings in OER

profile-icon Victoria Peters

Creative Commons recently worked with Aspen Digital to help them openly license their new “Interpreting AI in the News: A Media Literacy Plan.”

  • Media coverage of AI systems often fails to distinguish between hype and reality. This leads to public misconceptions that can fuel unnecessary fears or unrealistic hopes about these tools.
  • To help the rising generation think critically about reporting on AI, Aspen Digital has published a media literacy lesson plan geared toward high school and junior college students: Interpreting AI in the News. This open educational resource is designed to equip students for an AI-driven world by fostering a deeper understanding of how the media portrays these emerging technologies.
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profile-icon Victoria Peters

The AI Cookbook: Recipes and More from the University of Missouri is an open resource published on August 19, 2024. It offers practical AI strategies for educators, inspired by the University of Florida's work. This toolkit includes AI "recipes" for tasks like crafting learning objectives, generating graphics, and developing rubrics, all with a focus on accessibility, collaboration, and ethical use. Cover image for AI Cookbook: Recipes and More from the University of MissouriCheck out the table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started With Prompting
  • Creating Course Learning Objectives
  • Outlining Course Modules
  • Writing Module Learning Objectives
  • TiLT Assignment Structure
  • Creating a Module
  • Writing Discussion Prompts
  • Creating Objective Quizzes/Exams
  • Creating Assessment Instructions
  • Drafting Essay Exams
  • Developing a Holistic Rubric
  • Developing an Analytical Rubric
  • Module Overviews/Wrap-ups
  • Role-playing: Scenarios and Case Studies
  • Generating Graphics
  • Collaboration
  • Active Learning Strategies
  • Lesson Plans
  • Student Study Aides
  • Feedback
  • Recipe: Assignment Template
  • Recipe: Introductory Discussion (Icebreaker)
  • Recipe: AI Literacy
  • Recipe: AI Debate
  • Recipe: AI Tutoring
  • Recipe: AI Case Study
  • Recipe: AI in Your Career
  • Multimodal Prompts
  • Prompts and Accessibility
  • AI Use and Copyright
  • Acknowledgment Generator
  • Glossary
  • Prompts and Biases
  • Prompts and Privacy
profile-icon Victoria Peters

“The MIT Press has announced the official launch of the Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science (OECS), releasing the first 50 articles of this groundbreaking, openly accessible web reference. Developed to spearhead the next generation of exploration in cognition and intelligence, OECS aims to become the definitive resource in the field of cognitive science.

“Building on the legacy of the MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, which has served as a cornerstone for researchers and students for 25 years, OECS sets a new standard for comprehensive and accessible scholarly reference. This initiative is generously supported by the James S. McDonnell Foundation and the Allen Institute for AI. …”

Click here to read the original press release.

profile-icon Victoria Peters

Pressbooks’ collections hub is a space to find great open textbooks to adopt or adapt for the classroom.

Here you’ll find several collections curated by the Pressbooks librarian to celebrate and share examples of excellence in open education. You’ll also see a featured collection that highlights new and important work. All of these books can be found in Pressbooks Directory, an index of over 5,000 free books and other open educational resources.

Featured collection: Student-Led OER

The Student-Led OER collection features open pedagogy projects that empower students to create their own course material. This approach is aimed at increasing student engagement and investment in the course by giving them a sense of ownership. Examples of Student-Led OER include collections of essays, research projects, design portfolios, personal stories, and more. Such projects can be used to benefit future students and faculty, enhance students’ portfolios, gather useful research data, and include greater intersectionality in course materials.

Getting Started with Pressbooks

This session is open to anyone looking to learn more about Pressbooks. Content is designed for faculty creators and other users who are new to Pressbooks.

Join us on August 7

Advanced Pressbooks Publishing

This session is open to all users on Pressbooks Enterprise Networks. Content is designed for users who have some familiarity with Pressbooks and are ready to engage in more complex activities such as adding interactivity with H5P.

Join us on August 19

profile-icon Victoria Peters

Campus Manitoba is proud to announce the Campus Campus Manitoba Pressbooks Template is ready for public consumption. This resource will now be available on the Campus Manitoba PressbooksEDU Network and in the Pressbooks Directory. The intention for this resource is to provide a framework of best practices from which you can scaffold out your new OER creation or adaptation. 

Whether you’re a novice author or an experienced writer venturing into self-publishing, the “Campus Manitoba Pressbooks Template” provides you with a solid foundation to transform your manuscript into a professionally formatted book that captivates readers and elevates your publication.

profile-icon Victoria Peters

The 2024 version of the open textbook Humans R Social Media has been released. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, it includes substantial improvements and great new chapters by the University of Colorado Boulder's Nathan Schneider and University of Arizona AI artist Jacquie Kuru.

 Cover image for Humans R Social Media - 2024  

About the book: Social media and humans exist in a world of mutual influence, and humans play central roles in how this influence is mediated and transferred. Originally created by University of Arizona Information scholar Diana Daly, this 2024 “living book” edition of Humans R Social Media welcomes additional authors and features contributions by students to help readers understand how we as humans shape social media, and how social media shapes our world in turn. Learn more about our Shared Governance initiative and connect with the authors.

profile-icon Victoria Peters

Kalamazoo, Mich.—Western Michigan University Libraries is thrilled to announce the publication of two new open textbooks by Western faculty funded by Open Educational Resources Creation Grants. 


Western students and learners worldwide now have free online access to “Leadership Communication: Principles and Practice by Dr. Leah Omilion-Hodges and Dr. Annette Hamel and “Vida y cultura de España by Dr. Mariola Pérez de la Cruz. These titles were created with support from the Libraries’ Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants program, which supports the adoption and creation of OER that are free for instructors and students to use, adapt and remix. Although all three authors have previously published books through traditional publishers, these titles are their first published open textbooks. After learning about the OER grants from colleagues, Pérez de la Cruz submitted a proposal for an OER creation grant to turn educational content she had already created into a published open textbook. “I started writing the content ten years ago, so when I started developing the material thinking about its publication in OER—almost two years ago—the most important aspect was already done,” says Pérez de la Cruz. Turning that content into an interactive, freely accessible online textbook will help learners around the globe learn about life and culture in Spain. 


Omilion-Hodges and Hamel, professors in the School of Communication, collaborated to co-author an open textbook on leadership communication.  “The creation of ‘Leadership Communication: Principles and Practices’ will ease the financial burden for several hundred students annually, and that is at WMU alone,” says Omilion-Hodges. Omilion-Hodges has used existing OER in several undergraduate courses to give students access to free course materials and reduce textbook costs. “I have had many conversations with students who need to make the difficult decision to purchase a textbook or pay bills,” adds Omilion-Hodges. “I believe that everyone should have access to high quality content, without it being cost prohibitive. Writing an open textbook allowed me to co-author a textbook that I am proud of and that will allow all students to have access to relevant, data-driven information.” Making their textbook easy to access online also helps students who are learning off campus. “A sizeable contingent of our Leadership students are distance learners, and the OER will be more easily available for them than a traditional textbook,” adds Hamel. 


The Libraries has a long track record of supporting OER on campus, offering grants to adopt existing OER and, more recently, grants to support OER creation like these textbooks. These titles are the first textbooks finished from the OER creation grants. The Libraries has awarded nine OER creation grants since 2022 and anticipates that additional titles will be published in 2024 and 2025. “With publication of these first two books we are really bringing our program to the next level to contribute to the collection of free, high-quality digital textbooks that can be adopted by instructors and students across the globe,” says Michele Behr, scholarly communications and OER librarian. With funding and publishing support from the University Libraries and technical expertise provided by WMUx, grant-funded authors will have the resources needed to create high-quality, interactive open textbooks that support learning everywhere. "Moving into a role as publisher is a very logical move for libraries,” says Paul Gallagher, associate dean for resources and digital strategies. “We are uniquely suited to help save our students money on curricular materials, but more importantly this advances our efforts to make information more open and free to use.”  


"Our students save money and can be more engaged scholars, and our faculty can share their expertise well beyond WMU. It is a powerful new way that we can contribute back to our core mission of supporting teaching, learning and research." 


Full news story is here:

profile-icon Victoria Peters

The University of North Alabama Digital Press is proud to announce the publication of My X’s by Alina Stefanescue.


This book is literary non-fiction, and the first in a new imprint developed by Prof. Jason McCall and his students in a publishing internship course. 


Lion Bridge Publishing, founded in 2024, is an in-person publishing internship class at the University of North Alabama (UNA) located in Florence, Alabama. The press is run by UNA students who collaborate in the copy editing, marketing, and design process of each text. Lion Bridge Publishing focuses on open-access publishing as an imprint of the UNA’s Digital Press at Collier Library. Our name is influenced by the pride we have for our University, its mascot, and our hope to connect literary works and people through open-access publishing. We are interested in publishing inspiring works of all genres.


Here's a link to the book: 

profile-icon Victoria Peters

Librarians and faculty from Earlham College were recently highlighted for their work with the PALSave program.


The Spring 2024 issue of Earlhamite Magazine details how these individuals are using the program to save students money and create a more equitable system for acquiring and using textbooks.


Read the full story, titled “Next-gen Textbooks,” on the Earlhamite website. You can also access the print edition online.

 Cast members: Hind Jadallah-Karraa, Istrabadi and Bridget Stephen Bullard

profile-icon Victoria Peters

You're welcome to join us for a free webinar in a couple of weeks!


Creative Teaching Solutions: Open Pedagogy and Student-Centered Learning 


April 16th, 11:30-12:20pm ET 




Our students are looking for classroom experiences that are meaningful, engaging, and empowering. One way to achieve this is to employ open pedagogy, an approach to teaching that prioritizes student-centered learning and the use of open educational resources. Join us for a special guest presentation by Heather Miceli, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at AAC&U and former faculty member at Roger Williams University. Heather will share her own experience with open pedagogy and lots of practical tips for how to integrate this approach to teaching into your classroom.